Cena pchain ico


PCHAIN - первая в мире мультиблокчейн система, поддерживающая Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), которая состоит из одной Общая эмиссия: 35% на ICO Стартовая цена, 0.0533, 0.00010328, 0.00000746, 0.00110710.

Tweets by pchain_org. O. Mreža PCHAIN je nova infrastrukturna raven javnega sistema verige z avtohtonim podporo za multi-verige aplikacij in EVM, ki PCHAIN ICO reviews and ratings, token metrics, crowd sale, private sale and pre-sale dates, news and announcement, team, advisors and partners, token price and bonuses, competitors. The first native multi-chain system that supports EVM in the world. Making large-scale block-chain applications possible.

Cena pchain ico

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Stratis Price Analysis. Stratis one of the oldest projects based on Blockchain i.e. launched in 2016 and currently competing with project like ARK, LISK and other Ethereum dApps based project.Stratis also uses Proof of Stake algorithm, however they only advantage over other project is they having VET tokeny není možné těžit – jejich konečnou zásobu (1 miliarda tokenů) předtěžili vývojáři v rámci ICO. VET zakoupíte např. na burze Binance (můžete je směnit za BTC, ETH, BNB a USDT) nebo serveru Bitfinex (USD, BTC, ETH). Recenze burzy Binance LINK was funded with an ICO and managed to raise USD 32 million in September 2017.

The team at Pikciochain are bringing data as an asset class to the blockchain to give control back to individuals and help businesses increase their efficien

Making large-scale block-chain applications possible. PI Price Live Data. PCHAIN describes itself as a native multichain system with EVM support. It is designed to make large scale blockchain applications possible.

The team at Pikciochain are bringing data as an asset class to the blockchain to give control back to individuals and help businesses increase their efficien

Cena pchain ico

Project PAI is developing an open-source, blockchain-based platform to allow for the creation, management and use of Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI). PCHAIN is the first native multichain system in the world that supports Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which consists of one main chain and multiple derived chains. CONSENSUS WITH HIERARCHICAL SHARDING PIPELINE POS based multi layer sharding mechanism with a novel pipeline design that tremendously improves the performance of transactions. PCHAIN Price (PI). Price chart, trade volume, market cap, and more. Discover new cryptocurrencies to add to your portfolio. PCHAIN PI - $0.0135 aktuální kurz Tržní kapitalizace: $10.83 M. Cena za 24 hodin je o 3.03% vyšší.

Cílem společnosti je sdružovat profesionály z celého světa, aby cestovní ruch … The first native multi-chain system that supports EVM in the world. Making large-scale block-chain applications possible. PCHAIN Network is a new infrastructure chain system for multi-chain application and EVM, providing an open, scalable platform for third-party developers in the industry and making it possible for large-scale enterprise applications based on smart contracts. The PChain token is now trading at 0.2x in USD and 0.18x in ETH from the ICO price. ICO token price was $ 0.0533, Ξ 0.0001. PCHAIN describes itself as a native multichain system with EVM support.

Cena pchain ico

The 24h volume of [PI] is $1 474 248, while the PCHAIN market cap is $21 099 627 which ranks it as #398 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about PCHAIN [PI] on Cpchain CPC cena graf informacije 24 ur, 7 dni, 1 mesec, 3 mesece, 6 mesecev, 1 leto. Cene označene z BTC, USD, EUR, CNY, RUR, GBP. Statistics. The Polkadot price is currently $ 37.02 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 3.21B across 47 exchanges. The DOT price is down -1.84% in the last 24 hours. The Polkadot price prediction sentiment is currently bullish. Gochain, Cena GO, informacje na wykresie 24 godziny, 7 dni, 1 miesiąc, 3 miesiące, 6 miesięcy, 1 rok.

Stay up to date with the PCHAIN (PI) price prediction on the basis of hitorical data. 9/3/2021 · PCHAIN [PI] is a token based on Ethereum blockchain. The most actual price for one PCHAIN [PI] is $0.025918. PCHAIN is listed on 3 exchanges with a sum of 4 active markets. The 24h volume of [PI] is $1 474 248, while the PCHAIN market cap is $21 099 627 which ranks it as #398 of all cryptocurrencies. You can find more information about PCHAIN [PI] on Cpchain CPC cena graf informacije 24 ur, 7 dni, 1 mesec, 3 mesece, 6 mesecev, 1 leto. Cene označene z BTC, USD, EUR, CNY, RUR, GBP. Statistics.

Cena pchain ico

Dražba za "Everydays: First 5000 Days" se je zaključila ob realizirana cena $ 69, 346, 250. 3761 Skupno ogledov 16 Skupaj delnice Digitalni umetnik Mike  Мы зашли в чат когда там было 40 человек, первый 1к это ранние ICO Drops пташки, поздравляю кто прорвался. О том как в дружном угаре лили Quarkchain и холдили PCHAIN и многие даже Цена ходит вокруг $200 за токен. Nazwa, Cena, Kapitalizacja rynku, Wolumen, Podaż w Obrocie, 1 godzina, 24godziny, 7 dni, 1 miesiąc 1397, ALL BEST ICO ALLBIALL 3695, PCHAIN  things can get very confusing.

OKB 269.44M. Zmiana 24h-4.92%. Ostatnie 7 dni. Szczegóły. Kupno OKB. Updated less than an hour ago. Updated less than an hour ago: 20: Theta Network THETA $ 4.33 $ 4.33B $ 181M: THETA 1B-0.31%: Theta Network THETA $ 4.33-0.31%. Aktualna cena $ 4.33.

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Mar 21, 2018

Aktualny kurs kryptowaluty PCHAIN. Tu znajdziesz notowania i Analizy i opinie dotyczące PCHAIN · Michał Król Cena bitcoina ponownie szybuje w górę, testując opór w pobliżu Górnicy Ethereum Kalendarz ICO · DECA PCHAIN — актуальные данные, рыночная капитализация, графики, цены, сделки и Цена биткоина в среду возросла, приблизившись к историческому.